It is difficult to focus, perform highly abstract computations with your brain, look cool and smart, laugh and dive into science without a dry-ice-chilled cocktail in your hand. This is why at Science & Cocktails we improve our cocktail craftsmanship every season and bring you the most amazing selection of original cocktail recipes with cloud-like flavours, served by aliens disguised as regular humans.

original recipes
Cocktail Menu
Black hole
A must have before your journey beyond the event horizon
(black rum, black syrup, lime and ginger)
Indian Summer
Handmade tonic from quinine bark and botanicals to an old recipe from the British Raj.
(gin, tonic, essence, lemon, bergamot, syrup and bitters)
Primordial Soup
Helps you regress into a more primitive mindset.
(snaps, cointreau, basil and kiwi)
Phenol countdown
Fresh and bubbly aromatic organic compound. This is the red one.
(vodka, maraschino, berries and lemon)
Sgreen glitter
A big zingy cocktail bursting with flavour and booze. Mint glitter bits.
(vodka, chatreuse, lemon, ginger, mint and syrup)
Pashin' wagon
Not many cocktails come with a crack of pepper on top. This one does.
(Vodka, Cointreau, passion fruit and lemon)
A bittersharp drink. Crisp, with no added sugar.
(gin, artichoke bitters, vermouth, lemon and grapefruit)
Speed of lychee
From the mysterious East, a balanced blend of exotic spirits and fruits. Mild yet persuasive!
(gin, sake, antika formula, lychees, lime and lychee syrup)
Freetown Forever
An original combination of Danish traditional ingredients.
(snaps, hawthorn berries, lemon and honey)
Wrong Island Iced Tea
Like a long island iced tea but with completely different ingredients.
(calvados, scotch, kahlúa, cointreau, hazelnut liqueur, lime, molasses syrup)
Imperial Unit
The measures are standardised so fuck off.
(tea infused gin, lemon and syrup)
Pink is not a chromatic colour
Our sweetest, smoothest, most velvety cocktail.
(white rum, liqueur, port and sweetened coconut milk)
Cucumber is the number 29 in the periodic table of vegetables.
(gin, absinth, cucumber, lime, mint and syrup)
White Dwarf
It might look little but it packs a punch. Artisanal turbo shandy at 20% ABV.
(vodka, elderflower liqueur, white beer, lemon and syrup)
Fracking Fluid
This will light the fire under your boiler. If not, call our lawyer.
(tequila, kiwi and absinth)
Brian Storm
This cocktail is one to get the creative juices flowing
(bourbon, cointreau, coconut rum, fruits and syrup)
Satchmo Theory
A twist on a New Orleans classic. Neil Amstrong's favourite.
(bourbon, cointreau, lemon and syrup)
You would have to root around for a long time until you found a cocktail that could beat this one.
(rum, port, lemon, beetroot, syrup, parsley and chilli)
Dark Matters
It’s like an expresso martini, Jim, but not as we know it!
(expresso, vodka, coffee liquer, Baileys and dulce de luxe)