A theatre play that was borne from a collaboration between Science & Cocktails and Teater Fantast. The play is based on the history of the computer starting from analogue computers and ending in artificial intelligence and quantum computers. Several of the shows were followed by scientist talks by various scientists.
Grandma can remember an earlier time. Dad sighs nostalgically if someone says: "Commodore 64" and the child has grown up with pacifiers and iPads. The computer has taken over our world in a few generations. It is an indispensable tool in the digital reality we find ourselves in. And we depend on it, both collectively and individually. But do we really understand what it is? This super calculator that we use all the time? With guidance from computer experts and professors, Teater Fantast has created a musical, informative and entertaining performance for the whole family. Join us on a journey through the history of computing, where we promise data, digital gadgets and gizmos. Man, machine and mathematics. Laugh, cry and gigabytes.The play is created as a family performance for the whole family - both children, teenagers and adults (minimum age 6 years).
Funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.