Past events
November 27, 2018

The global water crisis: Science, politics and potential for conflict
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Stephan Borrmann, Godfrey and the Accidentals,
October 30, 2018

The first 1000 days: How pregnancy and infancy shape the rest of our lives
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Shane Norris, Amakat' Amnyama,
September 18, 2018

The land issue in South Africa: Complexity versus policy
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Ben Cousins, Motswedi,
August 28, 2018

Resurrection plants: Food security in a hotter & dryer future
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Jill Farrant, In My Own Skin,
July 31, 2018

South Africa's "little big bang": The two-billion-year-old Vredefort Impact Event
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Roger Gibson, The Angus Hardcastle Collective,
June 19, 2018

Bugs for breakfast? Insects for feed, food and health
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Elsje Pieterse, Flex (Of He & I),
May 29, 2018

The trouble with dating: Establishing a chronology of southern African rock art
The Orbit, Johannesburg
David Pearce, BLK Thought Music,
March 27, 2018

The puzzle of the Universe: The science of CERN's Large Hadron Collider
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Sahal Yacoob, Josh Mokoena,
February 27, 2018

Seals and killers in the roaring forties
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Nico de Bruyn, Phumelele and the Light,
September 26, 2017

Virus hunters: Tracking emerging and zoonotic viruses in South Africa
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Marietjie Venter, Uncuthu The Firm,
August 29, 2017

In search of cosmic dawn : The first stars and how to find them
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Jonathan Sievers, Masechaba and The Soul Peanuts,
July 25, 2017

Genome engineering and stem cells: Modelling disease-in-a-dish
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Janine Scholefield, Sounds of Kamo,
June 27, 2017

South African plants for human health
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Nox Makunga, Phumelele and the Light,
April 25, 2017

Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening? Investigating and understanding lightning
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Ian Jandrell, Masechaba and The Soul Peanuts,
March 28, 2017

Is the world a hologram? Quantum gravity and the holographic principle
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Jan de Boer, Stories of Africa,
February 28, 2017

Big data for Africa
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Bhekisipho Twala, Hlulani Hlangwane Quartet,
January 31, 2017

The chemistry of love
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Joji Mercier, Phumelele Mzimela Ensemble,
November 29, 2016

Size matters! Giant dinosaurs and their African origins
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Jonah Choiniere, Hlumelo Ledwaba,
November 1, 2016

Monster black holes at the edge of the universe
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Zoltán Haiman, Hlumelo Ledwaba,
October 25, 2016

Are cities making us sick? Urbanisation and the changing pattern of disease
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Tolullah Oni, The Siphephelo Ndlovu Project,
September 27, 2016

Fire as a living process: Merging physics and biology to understand global patterns of fire
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Sally Archibald, The Siphephelo Ndlovu Project,
August 30, 2016

Reading the bones: Forensic analysis and interpretation of bone trauma
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Ericka L'Abbé, Steven Symes, The Joey Williams Band,
July 26, 2016

The physics of information: From flipping coins to quantum gravity
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Joan Simón, Joey Willams' JAMISON THE BAND,
June 28, 2016

Gender and sexual diversity
The Orbit, Johannesburg
MIchael Pepper, Darlington Okofu Quartet,
May 31, 2016

Microbes in hot and cold deserts
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Don Cowan, Darlington Okofu Quartet,
April 26, 2016

Observing the cosmos from above the clouds
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Hsin Cynthia Chiang, Iphupho L'ka Biko Afrocentric Band,
March 29, 2016

The atoms of spacetime
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Vishnu Jejjala, Iphupho L'ka Biko Afrocentric Band,
January 26, 2016

Whodunnit? Unscrambling the human effect from natural climate variability
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Bob Scholes, Mary Scholes, Donkey,
November 24, 2015

The power of light in the palm of your hand
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Andrew Forbes, Peter Sklair Quintet,
October 27, 2015

Route to roots: understanding human origins
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Himla Soodyall, Peter Sklair Quartet,
September 22, 2015

You can roll it, but I wouldn't smoke it!
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Marcus Byrne, Paul Hanmer Quartet,
August 25, 2015

The ultimate challenge: an AIDS vaccine
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Lynn Morris, Peter Sklair Quintet,
July 28, 2015

Space and time, light and gravity
The Orbit, Johannesburg
Robert de Mello Koch, Peter Sklair Quartet,