Black Holes, Gravity and the Edge of the Universe

Why do things fall? What do you see when you fall inside a black hole? What is the origin of space and time? How does gravity work in galaxies and the cosmos? What happens at the edge of the Universe?
Gravity has been studied for centuries by many great scientists. Newton and later Einstein developed theories of gravity that both have been very successful in explaining a large portion of our observed universe.
Yet there are still important questions that relate to gravity that have remained unanswered to this day. These open questions center around three different aspects of gravity. What happens inside black holes, where gravity is very strong? How does gravity work at the scale of the Milky Way and the cosmos, where the gravitational force is very weak? What are the tiniest building blocks of spacetime, and what do they tell us about the origin of gravity?
At present a scientific revolution is taking place in theoretical physics that is shedding light on all these questions and is leading to a completely new view on gravity and the cosmos. This evening, Erik Verlinde will give a lucid and accessible exposition of these exciting developments.
Afterwards, a delightful menu of homemade cocktail recipes that will prepare you for your after journey through the universe while Yin Yin takes the stage. Using South East Asian music from the 60´s and 70´s as a main inspiration, whilst also bringing their
individual musical backgrounds and interests to the table, Yin Yin plays a set of songs mixing world music, disco, funk and electronic music.

Erik Verlinde
Black Holes, Gravity and the Edge of the Universe
Why do things fall? What do you see when you fall inside a black hole? What is the origin of space and time? How does gravity work in galaxies and the cosmos? What happens at the edge of the Universe
Music by
Yin Yin
The Dutch band YIN YIN combines 60s and 70s sounds from South Asia with influences of world music, disco, funk and electronic music. ‘Thaichedelic’, as they call it. YIN YIN consists of Kees Berkers (Baby Galaxy, YAYAYA) and Yves Lennertz (Bounty Island), but live they perform with four men on stage. Their debut ‘Pingpxng’ came out in cassette form in the summer of 2018 via Coaster Records.