Looking for consciousness

For the second episode of Science & Cocktails in Brussels in the cool venue Atelier 210, we have a fantastic lecture on the understanding of consciousness by Steven Laureys - the recent awardee of the Francqui Prize - followed by a solo music performance of rising star cello player Benjamin Glorieux.
Are human beings the only beings that are conscious or are animals also aware of what is happening to them, their existence and their being? What is the difference between sleep, dreams, hypnosis, anesthesia, coma, cerebral death and the a near death experience?
And what makes the impulses from billions of neurons in our brain consciousness? This question has occupied philosophers since ancient times. New brain scanners are now able to reveal parts of this mystery. The study of coma, anesthesia, sleep, dementia, and hypnosis teach us what parts of the brain are important for human consciousness. This knowledge has direct medical and ethical implications, particularly to what concerns the care of patients in brain death, coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious state and 'locked-in' syndrome or pseudo coma.
Steven Laureys will describe simply what we know today about the state of consciousness and the functioning of the brain.
Afterwards, cocktails that interfere with your conscious state, while Benjamin Glorieux with his cello and loop station will be taking the stage.

Steven Laureys
Looking for consciousness
What is consciousness? Where, if anywhere, is consciousness in the brain? What happens when you sleep? And if you are in coma? What is death and a near-death experience?
Talk by
Steven Laureys
Steven Laureys currently leads the Coma Science Group at the Cyclotron Research Centre of the University of Liège in Belgium. He is clinical professor of neurology, at the Liège University Hospital and Research Director at the National Fund for Scientific Research. He is one of world’s leading specialists in altered states of consciousness and has recently received the Francqui prize.

Music by
Benjamin Glorieux
Benjamin Glorieux is a cellist, composer and conductor. His recent collaborations and projects include musicians like Anthony Romaniuk, Rembrandt Frerichs, Jolente De Maeyer, Liza Ferschtman, Dominic Seldis, Karen Willems and festival Ars Musica, among others. He is an awardee of the Belgische Stichting Roeping and was considered the best Young promise in De Klara.