The creativity code

Humans are increasingly handing over our decision making responsibilities to complex algorithms; whether it's to decide the music we listen to, the partners we date, or driving our investments. What happens when those algorithms go one step further and learn, adapt, and create like humans?
In the first Science and Cocktails of the season, Professor Marcus du Sautoy looks at the nature of creativity and asks how long it will be before computers can compose a symphony, write a Nobel Prize-winning novel or paint a masterpiece. And if so, would we be able to tell the difference? As humans, we have an extraordinary ability to create works of art that elevate, expand and transform what it means to be alive. Yet in many other areas, new developments in AI are shaking up the status quo, as we find out how many of the tasks humans engage in can be done equally well, if not better, by machines.
But can machines be creative? Will they soon be able to learn from the art that moves us, and understand what distinguishes it from the mundane? Du Sautoy asks how much of our emotional response to a great work of art is down to our brains reacting to pattern and structure and explores what it is to be creative in mathematics, art, language and music. Could machines come up with something creative, and might that push us into being more imaginative in turn?
After the talk, there will be time to get your creative juices flowing with some homemade smoking cocktails and live music by the Gustave Brass Band! These guys are sure to knock you of your feet with their exciting brass music with a swing. Having just released their EP BRASSTAR, they're playing streets and festivals in Belgium and abroad and now they've agreed to turn the Atelier 210 upside down for the first Science and Cocktails of the season!

Marcus du Sautoy
The Creativity code
Can computers be creative, or is computer creativity an expression of the creativity of the human coder? Why do we need creative machines? Will AI ever become conscious?
talk by
Marcus du Sautoy
British mathematician, author, and popularizer of science and mathematics. In 1996 he was awarded the Title of Distinction of Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and in 2008, he was appointed to the Simonyi Professorship for the Public Understanding of Science and a fellowship at New College. He is the former President of the Mathematical Association, an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Senior Media Fellow, and a Royal Society University Research Fellow. Besides being a world renown mathematician in the field of group theory and number theory, Du Sautoy frequently writes for The Guardian and The Times and has authored several popular science and mathematics books, such as "The music of the primes" and most recently "The Creativity Code".

music by
Gustave Brass Band
The Gustave Brass Band comes with swag, sweet white vests and a blast atmosphere! These guys just released their EP BRASSSTAR and are conquering festivals, concert halls and the streets with their exciting, enticing and uplifting brass music. Listen to their music here