How does the zoo of human bacteria affect your health?

So do you think that you haven't got much in common with a bacterium, that you're part of a very special species more developed than the smallest of the microbes?
Well... it turns out that 95% of your whole biological being is made out of bacteria. So if you're pressing the elevator buttons with your nails because you're bacteriophobic, think again.
During this session of Science & Cocktails, Morten Sommer will explain how bacteria can affect human health and, based on his research, how we can biologically engineer our microflora so as to improve our health. Bacteria are everywhere inside our bodies: there are gut bacteria, stomach bacteria, skin bacteria and even bacteria around your eye-balls, as well as everywhere else you can imagine, making up what is known as the human microbiome. How does the world look like for a bacterium? What do these bacteria do for a living by the way? Can they talk, communicate? And how do we begin to answer these questions?
While sipping your cocktails and freaking out about bacteria, Malcolm Mahiti, electronic music composer, plays trance-inducing music with slow-moving sound waves.
Organised in cooperation with the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.
Photo: Motoi Yamamoto
Talk by
Morten Sommer
Professor at the department of Systems Biology at DTU and researcher at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability. Sommer is the leader of Sommer Lab which studies the organization and dynamics of microbial communities as they relate to human health and industrial biotechnology.

Music by
Malcolm Mahiti
Mahiti makes anti- and/or semi-sequenced time travels from an array of internal feedback in analog equipment and processed recordings. His music can be massive and violent but at the same time it constitutes a powerful trance-inducing tool, with slow-moving sound waves. Mahiti has a background in noise rock and academic french-like electro-acoustic music. He is currently based in Europe, and will finish a master degree in performing music technology, connected to NOTAM in Oslo.